
Meet your Publisher

July 20, 2020

Welcome!  I am so excited to introduce myself to you!  My name is Megan Henderson, and I am your new publisher for Macaroni Kids Wiregrass. I have always been scouting out the Internet, Facebook, magazines, and local publishings to find fun things for my family and I to participate in.  Now I get to do that for you as well! We in the Wiregrass have so many fun and unique things to offer, I can't wait to tell you all about them and bring you fresh, fun content and events.

A little about me: I was (mostly) raised in Panama City, Florida.  I moved to Dothan around seven years ago to marry my wonderful husband, Payne.  In 2018 we added to our family with a son named Reece.  Being a mom is the greatest joy in my life!  I love to try new foods, walk around our lovely neighborhood, and participate in the Southern Tradition of good tailgates and football games.  I am not a cook, nor can I sing, but you can still hear me belting out some Disney in our car as we zoom across the Wiregrass!

I can't wait to undertake this journey and get to know you and your family.  We will be out and about around our area, so when you see the Macaroni Kids shirt, please stop and say hello!